The Rules of Sudoku

The classic Sudoku game involves a grid of 81 squares. The grid is divided into nine blocks, each containing nine squares.

The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.

The difficulty lies in that each vertical nine-square column, or horizontal nine-square line across, within the larger square, must also contain the numbers 1-9, without repetition or omission.

Every puzzle has just one correct solution.


Click on the links in the column alongside to print easy, medium or hard sudoku puzzles - there is even a link to super-easy sudoku puzzles for children.

If you're unsure how to solve sudoku puzzles, click on the article links on the right to article on how to solve sudokus.

Good luck!

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